gene carrier中文什么意思

发音:   用"gene carrier"造句
  • gene:    n. 【生物学】基因。 domina ...
  • carrier:    n. 1.运送人,搬夫;负荷者;使役 ...
  • dwarf-gene-carrier:    侏儒基因携带者
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  1. On the other hand , early and regular eye check - up for gene carriers , for instance in primary open angle glaucoma ( pogo ) will enable detection of the eye disease early enough that timely and appropriate treatment can prevent deterioration of the eye conditions , leading to a more favorable final clinical outcome
  2. By detecting carriers of disease causing gene mutations in artist individuals , some eye diseases could be prevented by avoiding the environmental risk factors . for example , the risk of developing aggregated macular degeneration ( arm ) will be reduced by avoiding a high cholesterol diet , smoking and excessive sunlight exposure in arm gene carriers


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  2. gene base 什么意思
  3. gene basis 什么意思
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  5. gene callahan 什么意思
  6. gene center 什么意思
  7. gene center concept 什么意思
  8. gene center theory 什么意思
  9. gene chandler 什么意思
  10. gene chip, gene arrays 什么意思


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